Space Colony

Hello. I made a simple open source Space Gamer with a simple and easy to understand moving script for top-down shoot em ups. Please feel free to download over at the link below, and as always, here is the Github download.

Virtual Joystick.

This is going to be different from the rest of my other blogs. Instead of posting something minor and be on my way, I'd thought give a little insight by directly posting the code and how it works.

Here is the code below:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
public class VirtualJoyStick : MonoBehaviour, IDragHandler, IPointerUpHandler, IPointerDownHandler
    private Image Background;
    private Image Joystickimg;
    private Vector3 inputvector;

    private void Start()
        Background = GetComponent<Image>();
        Joystickimg = transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Image>();
    public void OnDrag(PointerEventData ped)
        Vector2 pos;
        if(RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(Background.rectTransform, ped.position, ped.pressEventCamera, out pos)){
            pos.x = (pos.x / Background.rectTransform.sizeDelta.x);
            pos.y = (pos.y / Background.rectTransform.sizeDelta.y);
            inputvector = new Vector3(pos.x * 4 + 1, 0, pos.y * 4 - 1);
            inputvector = (inputvector.magnitude > 1.0f) ? inputvector.normalized : inputvector;
            //Move joystick img
            Joystickimg.rectTransform.anchoredPosition =
                new Vector3(inputvector.x * (Background.rectTransform.sizeDelta.x / 3), inputvector.z * (Background.rectTransform.sizeDelta.y / 3));

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    public void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData ped)

    public void OnPointerUp(PointerEventData ped)
        inputvector =;
        Joystickimg.rectTransform.anchoredPosition =;

    public float Horizontal()
        if (inputvector.x != 0)
            return inputvector.x;
            return Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");

    public float Vertical()
        if (inputvector.z != 0)
            return inputvector.z;
            return Input.GetAxis("Vertical");



 Now this seems like a huge info dump, but it's very simple and less than 100 lines. In order to initiate the code, you need to put in the UI library Unity has on the top. Second, you should use two UI images: one for the background of the joystick and the actual joystick itself. Note that the actual joystick is a child of the background image. This is to make sure the joystick itself is locked within a circle. Now joysticks work differently from a keyboard in a way. The Background.rectTransform.sizeDelta.x / 3 part is basically what lets the joystick transform and move around. Dividing the transformation basically configuring the sensitivity of the stick. The more you divide, the more tighter it becomes. Second and lastly, The public floats Vertical and Horizontal are basically just ways to create a shortcut for the inputs So instead of saying Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") to declare player input, you can simply put Joystick.Horizontal. This allows for actual player input to be received from the stick. Anyways, this is a short blog. I might get something cranked out tomorrow or later tonight, but I don't know yet. Enjoy and happy coding!

UI Scripts

Basic UI Script:

 Has Time, Health, and Energy elements which are perfect for platformers and fighting games. Update: I have also included a basic menu system within the files to help.

Github link

Player script for 3D unity games.

Hello, I recently have made a  player movement script for 3D Unity. You can check it here. 

It's basically just a simple controller script, but it works very well. I thought I would just put it here for use.

I also have a preview here.

Open Source Space Invaders template

Hello Again. I made an open source Space Invaders template from scratch. If you're more artistic than I am, because I only spent about roughly less than 30 minutes of my entire life. Anyways, here is the link on Github.

Web Browser Pong

Got bored and had 30 minutes to spare, so I made web browser pong.

Officially Retiring This Blog

This blog has now been sunset as of Today on this very date. No more posts here.  Instead, you can follow my Youtube channel here. https://w...